Organization-Wide Assessment To begin a journey -- especially the journey of organizational change -- you must know where you are right now as well as where you want to go. It's as simple as needing to see the ”you are here” mark on a map before the information contained in the map is of any use. We offer a proven process that:
The best way to acquire the much needed systemic understanding of root cause-and-effect is to employ a whole-system process. The goal of “Organization-Wide Assessment“ is to gather data on the nature and scope of the issues the transformaiton will address. Definition of root causes -- not symptoms -- is required. “Organization-Wide Assessment“ provides an in-depth assessment of your organization via the Open Space Technology process. It is the most efffective and systemic method available due to its real-time whole-system nature. It is of little use to hear only what you want to hear. Only a clear picture of organizational health and potential will do. You realize that conventional surveys and assessments alter the organization as they are administered (Heizenberg's principle). And further, they often alientate members of the organization, fueling a growing cynicism. Organization-Wide Assessment is the only way to discover the truth without altering it. It honors, respects, and ”hears” what people have to say. It is the most effective way to teach and model desired futures while sampling the present. It is the best way to bring the best of your past forward. The assessment process allows large, diverse groups to discover values, knowledge and systems they have in common. It enables people to understand and change the conditions under which they interact. The process convenes up to 200 people at a time, gathering pertinent information about the formal and informal structure of the organization. It documents the knowledge, systems and practices that must be preserved as well as those which are not useful in the future state of the transformed organization. “Organization-Wide Assessment“ coalesces problem symptoms into a manageable set, providing insight into the organizational root causes underlying the need for change. Using a standardized computer set-up, session information is collected and analyzed to uncover the fundamental issues that must be addressed in order for the organization to change and move forward. Information documented by the Open Space “Organization-Wide Assessment“ is often used in combination with “Bringing Systems To Life,“ making it possible for the organization to take charge of their own assessment, design, and implementation program. This is a high-leverage method to begin the journey forward. It separates the “music” from the “noise.” As people discover that they know more than they thought they did, forward motion is immediate. Program Details |
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330-725-2728 fax: 330-725-2729 |
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